The Artist for Peace by UNESCO, the singer Zara performed in Qatar.
2018 – is a crossing Year of Russian and Qatar cultures, which was consensed to be held last year at the International economic forum in Saint Petersburg. Within the program “The cultural Year of Russia and Qatar October, 29th the singer Zara performed her solo concert on the Katara Opera House ground in Doha, the capital of Qatar.
The grand concert by Zara was held on the highest level and presented Russia as a country with a really rich culture, which combines musical traditions of different nations. The artist’s performance was divided into three musical blocks: ethnic, romance and estrada.
In her ethnic block Zara sang national songs of the world. Eastern songs, the Serbian national song “Ederlezi” and a new composition “Keca Kurdim”, which the singer performs in her ancestors’ language – kurmandzhi, were sung by Zara at the concert. In her second block Zara introduced the audience to the cult Russian compositions: “Ballade about a mother”, the Doga Waltz and the song, written by the ledgendary poet Vladimir Vysotsky “Interrupted flight”. The gesture singing band of children with ear disabilities “The Singing hands”, which was invited by Zara to Doha from Saint Petersburg, performed together on the same ground. The young artists can’t hear music, but they feel every musical emotion by their hearts.
In her third block there were popular songs, favourite by Russian listeners. Traditionally, during her performance, Zara invited the youngest viewers to the stage.
The concert was finished with the cult Russian romance song by Andrey Pavlovich Petrov “I’ll drop a word at last…”.
For several weeks Zara was preparing to the concert in Qatar. Taking into account traditional temper and conservative dress-code, Zara made up some concert outfits, that fully covered her body. She started her performance, greeting the audience in Arabic language.
The concert got a real success and afterwards the Arabian media was interviewing Zara for a long time, asking questions about her music, unique singing culture of Russia, and how it is important to keep friendship between nations.
“Russia and Qatar are united by a common faith in a human being, love to art, conviction, that despite a race, religion, gender, skin color and citizenship, the aim, persued by all of us is to bring love to this world! I’m thankful to Her Highness Sheikha Moza and Sheikha Al Meyassa, the Qatar ambassador in Russia Fahad Mohamed Al-Atyya and the Russian ambassador in Qatar – Nurmahamad Mahmadullaevich Holov, the first worker in cultural programs Brendan Kassar and the active executive director of Qatar Museums – Mr. Ahmed Al Namla, for the opportunity to perform for you! And all of you, friends – for your sincere participation in the events of Qatar and Russian cultural year! I wish everybody to be in peace and patience! Thank you and goodbye for now” , this way the artist said goodbye to the guests of Opera House, being personally thankful to the official guests, attended the concert.
Also Zara hoped this Year of culture would unite Qatar and Russia forever: because it is the penetration in cultural features, attraction to art achievements, collaborated ideas and their realization allows to make friends not only for states, but for nations in total.
The next day the Russian artist visited the Museum of Islam art. In the museum there is one of the biggest collections of Islam artifacts in the world. After seeing a numerous exhibits, Zara dropped a line in the Book of Honored visitors, where she wrote, that Russia and Qatar are united by a common faith in a human being, love to art, conviction, that despite a race, religion, gender, skin color and citizenship, the aim, persued by all of us is to bring love to this world!
Zara’s triumph in Qatar is explained by her courtesy to all peculiarities and traditions of Arabian country both in musical repertoire and in her dress style. Especially for Doha trip Zara selected a few looks, which at the first sight show a classical image of an oriental woman: a long wrapped skirt, a shirt and a turban on her head. But added stylish accessories and a handbag managed to create an image of a fashionable and modern model of the eastern fashion.
With a huge respect and honor the artist treated the traditional Qatar culture. That was the reason, why Zara was so warmly and frankly accepted in the state. In the addition, Zara got many lovers of her music among the audience and promised, that she would perform a solo concert for one of the most feedback audience again.