July, 26th the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation , the singer Zara, celebrates her birthday. Being always a fabulous dark brunet, she suddenly cut her hair and made a fringe, and very soon her new video will be released. Just before the occasion, the correspondent of “Podmoskovie today” Anastacia Fedorova asked her a few questions and learnt how she was going to celebrate the 34th date, why she hardly ever can lose her temper and where she likes spending time in Moscow area.

– Is birthday a sad occasion? Do you set any goals and tasks that you’d like to achieve as a woman and as an artist by a certain age?

I can’t agree with the fact that Birthday is a sad occasion. Of course, years are passing by, we change, becoming older, so this is life itself. I try to enjoy every day and to be thankful to every new year of life. And certainly, I have goals, who doesn’t have them? A person, in my opinion, should set particular tasks and achieve them, it’s equal to private life and profession. It’s important to be always on move for me, to discover and try something new.

– Will you celebrate birthday in a party-like atmosphere? What would you wish to yourself this day?

“Let everything come true, what we keep silent of” – I’d answer your question like that. What about my birthday, I can say for sure, that I’ll celebrate it with my family. Despite being a public figure, I prefer spending time with my family at home, noisy parties are not for me at all.

– Recently you’ve changed image and hairstyle. Is it only for a new video “Peace to your home” or you want to stay like that?

Changes are a good thing, but whether it’s for a long time or not, I want to keep a secret. It will be a pleasure for me, if my listeners and subscribers in social nets guess a little more. I hope, I’ll justify their expectations.

– Image changes of the artist’s style can’t stay out of people’s eye. Is their opinion concerning image, important to you?

Yes, especially in modern world, where everybody shows his of her photos in various social nets and shares life moments with subscribers. I was so surprised when so many comments, concerning my hairdo in the video “Peace to your home”, appeared in the internet: there are two bands: those, who are “for” tried to support me in decision to change, and those, who couldn’t accept my new images. Just after all this fuss I decide to talk with my subscribers, is it worth changing for an artist or not.

The opinion of my listeners is very important to me, so I talked with them directly. But I can understand those, who was against. When you watch the artist for twenty years and see long straight hair, and once it turned into bob hair, with a fringe, moreover, it’s natural they react immediately.

– When will a new video be released? Can you intrigue the details, will you reveal a plot a little?

Now I can say, that a video for a song “Peace to your home” is worth expecting at the end of summer or at the early autumn. I hope, my work will be able to prolong viewers’ summer mood. The main idea of the video is me, playing a plain girl, who tries to make a world around brighter by sincere smile and shining eyes. The other things you’ll know after watching it.

– You’ve recently had a solo concert in Vitebsk. Can you share impressions?

Since I was 18, I had a dream – to perform in Vitebsk within the festival “Slavyansky bazaar” with my solo program. This year Belarus made my dream come true. I was surprisingly warmly met by the citizens and guests of the good town Vitebsk. The concert passed in one breath. The concert was held accompanied by the presidential orchestra of the Belarus republic conducted by Victor Babarikin. It was a great honor for me to perform on one stage with such a talented conductor. Till now I keep getting a lot of messages from viewers attended my concert, that thank me. And for me it’s the best award. The opening ceremony of the festival was really enchanting!

– What’s the difference between Zara as the artist and Zara at home, with children?

Performing, first of all I want to be a professional, my image and how my viewer perceives me is very important for me. When I’m spending time with my sons, I’m a usual mother, who can run with them in the yard, play snowballs, paint. I can’t say that on stage and for my relatives I’m totally different. I just try to be sincere and behave naturally.

– You seem to be very patient and calm person. What can take you out of control?

I’m very steady person, moreover, I think that it’s not positive to be too emotional. For me it means to be weak, it’s necessary to control oneself: very important to hear and listen to other people.

– Do you often spend time in Moscow area and what places you visit?

As a matter of fact, I live in Moscow area, to be correct – in Odintsovsky region. Me and my children regularly go to different entertaining parks and cinemas. My sons like zoos most of all. Lately we were at the museum of technics. I enjoy visiting small manors and places of historical heritage, old churches and temples.

The source: Podmoskovie today.

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