Today in the Innovative cultural center of Kaluga there was a meeting of the singer and actress Zara with a creative and young part of the town.
For Zara it was for the first time. She came to Kaluga with her solo concert and before the performance she met her fans in an informal atmosphere, told them about herself and answered all incoming questions.
There were the students of the State University named after K.E.Tsiolkovsky in the hall, the local branch of the Russian academy of the national industry and the state service by the President of the Russian Federation and also the contestants of the youth`s creative bands of the town.
Zara told about her musical career and what feelings she would like to trigger in her listeners with her songs.
– We should arouse patriotic feelings in our songs, as well as respest, love to Motherland, parents, teachers and to any person who helps you to be yourself.

The singer admitted that for every young person the problem of a true choice is of a real importance, because it defines their future. As an example, she told about her decision to leave the philological faculty after the first course for the theatrical academy.
Zara confessed that she composed songs but she wasn`t ready to show them to the audience so far. That`s why, she prefers works of other authors.
– I really work with many young authors. Moreover, any person can send me a song or verses in social nets. If I`m interested in them, we connect with these authors. I think that authors aren`t paid enough attention sometimes, so at all my concerts I try to talk about them because the artist consists of his music.
Zara doesn`t produce young singers, but she participates in the oraganisation of a big ethnic concert in Moscow and supports several bands where the disabled children perform. For example, she helped the ensemble “Singing Hands” from Saint Petersburg, consisting of children with hearing disorder to perform in Paris.

She also answered the question about the formula of her success directly. In this list she related talent, hard work, charisma, material, surrounding people and luck. Zara admitted that nowadays in modern progress of the Internet it became really easier for young singers to bring their music to the listeners and to be famous. But, what about a secret of a one hindred per cent hit, in her opinion, even the maestro composers can`t give the answer.
For those singers who start their career she advised not to be afraid of free performances.
– Sing and present your art. Because a really creative person performes not to get money, but to see thankful sight of the audience, applaudes, and to trigger people`s hearts. Your true mission is to treat people`s souls.
For her vocal collegues from Kaluga Zara gave some professional advice, and to the rest of the artists she recommended to pay more attention and time to the audience for which they perform.
She also shared her musical preferences. Zara is fond of the songs by Jasmin Levy, the singer from Israel, long ago, and recently she has recorded new songs for her.
Two romances became a real gift for the participants, which were sung very pathetically, accompanied with a guitar.
Finally, the singer shared her impresion of the communication with young people from Kaluga:
– Such meetings inspire me. When you see kind, intelligent, sympathising, interested faces – it is very important. I see that today I will be performing exactly for them. I liked the questions, very intellectual, well-done and the most important fact – very urgent. It seems to me that this meeting today was like a friendly conversation. I don`t know who got maximum from it – guys, with their world-view and their questions or me. But I just liked talking, communicating with them and performing for them. I wonder, what a well-educated, interesting and surely talented young people they are.
The source: VEST`- news.

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